Hello, how can I help you?



It's good to meet you. 

Even though I know my way around Facebook Business Manager I still remember what it was like when I couldn't. 

How fearful I was of pressing anything or publishing anything.

I had no idea what was working and what wasn't. 

All I knew was it was costing me money and making me sad. 

So I set out to learn all I could about Facebook ads.  And it turns out...I love them! 

They hit my nerd button BIG TIME.  

Below is a bit of info about me and why we may, or may not, be a good fit to work together. 

1. I can't add-up

I am rubbish at adding up even a simple list of numbers yet I can see patterns in data and can identify trends & behaviour. 

What does this mean?

It means you don’t want me in charge of splitting a bill after a meal but you DO want me trawling through your google analytics and ad results. 

2. I never get bored in ads manager

I know that many business owners would rather be doing anything other than staring at ads manager.

Me though, I can't enough of it. 

To scratch my itch I offer options to manage your ads, transfer skills to you and help you get the best out of your ad spend all while keeping a watchful eye on your ads so you can get on with more enjoyable things in your business. 

3. I am a failure

I know what it’s like to pour your heart and soul into an idea and have it not work out. 

And. It. Hurts.


So I want to make sure others have got the best shot at success. 

However, I’m thankful for those failures as it meant I learnt a lot and ended up with a curiously rounded set of skills that I can apply to a variety of business niches.

  • Blogging
  • Product design 
  • Google Analytics 
  • Shopify/Klaviyo/JustUno/WordPress 
  • Website Development 
  • Facebook/Instagram ads

4. I am here for you

I thought long and hard about what I needed when I was starting out on my e-commerce adventure and it was someone who was there for me. 

I wanted someone to talk to who had been there, perhaps lost their shirt but also didn't charge me so much I felt like I was loosing mine. 

Someone who could see farther down the road than I could and not just steer me there but explain to me why that path was the best one for me.

I am now that person and am here for you.

I am a guiding friend that will help you navigate the daunting world of Facebook ads and the rocky waters of e-commerce and stop your blowing money on failed ads.

So come on, drop me line and let’s get unpicking some of the things that are not just bugging you but are holding you back.

Let’s do this!


PS I'm also prone to an occasional sandals with socks faux pas!